Friday, September 9, 2011

Hangout Igloo Idea

Hey eevryone, Harry Here. it seems a long time since I last posted yet it was only last week. I try to upload igloo ideas as often as I can. I try to get a variety of videos so I will probably like uplaod one a week. :)

Hope you liked it. Comment with your ideas.

Friday, September 2, 2011


Hey penguins
So yesterday we all got our paychecks !

Waddle on

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Club Penguin Igloo Ideas

Hola penguins!Today i had some ideeas about igloos and it looks like this:
I mean school starts!So why couldn't we have some fun with our buddies on the ship!Or playing with puffles!Or playing the drums!And for safety a camera to see if there is any intruder!:D
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