Thursday, September 26, 2013

Friday, September 9, 2011

Hangout Igloo Idea

Hey eevryone, Harry Here. it seems a long time since I last posted yet it was only last week. I try to upload igloo ideas as often as I can. I try to get a variety of videos so I will probably like uplaod one a week. :)

Hope you liked it. Comment with your ideas.

Friday, September 2, 2011


Hey penguins
So yesterday we all got our paychecks !

Waddle on

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Club Penguin Igloo Ideas

Hola penguins!Today i had some ideeas about igloos and it looks like this:
I mean school starts!So why couldn't we have some fun with our buddies on the ship!Or playing with puffles!Or playing the drums!And for safety a camera to see if there is any intruder!:D
Leave a comment below!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Igloo Ideas : Snow Sports Resort

Hey guys. Harry again with your igloo ideas. Today im here to present you with my newest creation - The snow Sports Resort. It has Sled Racing a lodge and everything. There is even a commentator room. This igloo is perfect for the great snow race party. Dont ya think :) So Here it is -

Okay so tell me what you think and how I could improve it. Dont forget to give me more ideas in the comments below.

Okay thats all from me today

Waddle on penguins and enjoy the party.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Harrybenson1's Igloo Ideas

Hi everyone.

My name is Harrybenson1 and I will be posting some new igloo ideas weekly on this blog. This is my first time being an author so stay with me. =) You can find me on youtube at my channel Myclubpenguintales. Here is a

link -

So yeah starting very soon I will be introducing igloo ideas. Some are all ready on my youtube account but starting when I post my next one it will be available here. Here is my latest igloo creation -


So you next time with my Snow Sports Resort. And thanks for hiring me David :)

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Club Penguin New Home Page Design

Hey guys!Today i wanted to go on cp so i saw this:
Wow!It's awesome!Do you like it?Leave a comment and let us know :)